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Unexpected "File has changed" dialog




  • Fletcher Penney

    This message should only appear when the file is changed by another process.  Are you using Dropbox or something similar for that file?  Is any background process touching the file for any reason?


  • Charles Butcher

    The files in question are indexed by Dropbox and backed up by Arq (but the nags are more frequent that Arq's hourly schedule).

    I have iCloud Sync turned on too, but AFAIK the docs in question have always been in my Dropbox folder, not in Desktop or Documents.

    I'd guessed it might be something like that, but couldn't work out why I don't see the same warnings in other apps whose documents are stored in Dropbox.

  • Fletcher Penney

    Dropbox will sometimes/often/always update or touch a file after it synchronizes, so that is probably what is doing it.

    This warning comes from the algorithm that I added to improve the ability to merge simultaneous edits from your local machine and remote changes to a file (or changes made from another app.)  The goal is to avoid the macOS/iOS dialog that forces you to choose between two versions of a file when it is possible to merge them together instead.  (This is easier to do with plain text files that with many other file types.)

  • Charles Butcher

    That seems a worthy aim. I often have Markdown files open in DEVONthink and Composer at the same time, and although I don't usually edit in both apps, I guess that could be another source of sync notifications. I'll keep an eye open. Much less worrying now I know that this is expected behaviour, thanks.


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